A bank is a bank is a bank?
1972 |
Carson, Deane |
The economics of the money market
1972 |
Carson, Deane |
Elements of money stock determination
1972 |
Jordan, Jerry L. |
Euro-dollars in the liquidity and reserve management of United States banks
1972 |
Klopstock, Fred H. |
The administration of Regulation Q
1972 |
Ruebling, Charlotte E. |
Determinants of correspondent banking relationships
1972 |
Lawrence, Robert J. |
Controlling money
1972 |
Meltzer, Allan H. |
Reserve adjustments of the eight major New York City banks during 1966
1972 |
Lynn, Delores P. |
Should reserve requirements be abolished?
1972 |
Carson, Deane |
Asset management and comercial bank portfolio behavior : theory and practice
1972 |
Andersen, Leonall C. |
The policy implications of current research in the term structure of interest rates
1972 |
Meiselman, David |
A neo-Keynesian view of monetary policy
1972 |
Smith, Warren L. |
Operational constraints on the stabilization of money supply growth
1972 |
Holmes, Alan R. |
The brave new world of SDR's
1972 |
Emminger, Otmar |
Tecniques of the Federal Reserve trading desk in the 1960's
1972 |
Cooper, Robert L. |
Monetary policy targets and indicators
1972 |
Saving, Thomas R. |
Monetary and fiscal influences on economic activity : the historical evidence
1972 |
Keran, Michael W. |
On the content and issues of current monetary economics
1972 |
Zecher, Richard |
Monetary policy and consumer expenditures : the historical evidence
1972 |
Meiselman, David |
Fluctuating exchange rates : the Fund's approach
1972 |
Vries, Margaret G. de |