Emerging patterns of commercial structure in American cities
1962 |
Vance jr., James Elmon |
Segregation in urban residential districts: Examples and research problems
1962 |
Jones, Ronald |
Urban expansion and social integration : some geographical considerations
1962 |
Jones, Stanley J. |
Conformations of service and retail activities : an example in lower orders of an urban hierarchy in a lesser developed area
1962 |
Mayfield, Robert C. |
Toward simulation models of urban growth and developments
1962 |
Garrison, William L. |
Présentation dʹune carte des zones dʹinfluence des grandes villes françaises
1962 |
Chabot, Georges |
Die zentralen Orte und ihre Einflussbereiche : eine empirische Untersuchung über die Grösse und Struktur der zentralörtlichen Einflussbereiche
1962 |
Boustedt, Olaf |
Zur Frage der inneren Gliederung der Stadt, insbesondere der Abgrenzung des Stadtkerns mit Hilfe der bevölkerungskartographischen Methoden
1962 |
Kant, Edgar |
Der Stadtkern als Stadtteil : ein methodologischer Versuch zur Abgrenzung und Stufung von Stadtteilen am Beispiel von Mainz
1962 |
Klöpper, Rudolf |
The plan analysis of an English city centre
1962 |
Conzen, M. R. G. |
Analysis of central place and point patterns by a nearest neighbor method
1962 |
Dacey, Michael F. |
Entwicklung und Probleme der italienischen Grossstädte
1962 |
Nice, Bruno |
A plan for investigation of central places in agricultural communities, with special reference to the Swedish-speaking region of Ostro-Bothnia, Finland
1962 |
Lindstål, Sigvard |
Urban hierarchy and central functions around Calcutta in lower West Bengal, India, and their significance
1962 |
Kar, Nisith Runyon |
The structure of retail trade in a small Swedish town
1962 |
Bengtsson, Rune |
The hierarchy of central functions within the city : Principles developed in a study of Zurich, Switzerland
1962 |
Carol, Hans |
English central villages, identification, distribution and functions
1962 |
Bracey, Howard Edwin |
The geography of service centres within towns: the elements of an operational approach
1962 |
Curry, Leslie |
Central business district research
1962 |
Murphy, Raymond E. |
A commercial application of urban hinterland studies
1962 |
Green, F. H. W. |