The adaptation of socialist goals to the economic and political realities of developing countries
1968 |
Svendsen, Knud Erik |
Agricultural typology : its applicability to agricultural land-use planning in East Africa
1968 |
Young Sing, G. E. |
The socio-economies of incomes policy
1968 |
Routh, Guy |
Fertility limitation among women in rural Kenya
1968 |
Heisel, Donald F. |
Problems of political development in Africa : the role of the masses
1968 |
Gingyera-Pinycwa, A. G. G. |
The public sector and development in East Africa
1968 |
Kyesm`ira, Y. |
Political culture and economic socialisation in East Africa /Ali A. Mazrui
1968 |
Mazrui, Ali A. |
The use of the reference group concept in the study of social change in Africa
1968 |
Hoad, P. |
Prismatic theory and the emerging shape of African administration
1968 |
Kasfir, Nelson |
Color and function concept learning among Baganda children
1968 |
Evans, Judith L. |
Some problems of administrative training : the Northern Nigerian experience
1968 |
Chick, John D. |
Price and marketing policy for Uganda's export crops : the reports of the Cotton and Coffee Committees 1966/67
1968 |
Belshaw, D. G. R. |
Political systems and economic performance in some African societies
1968 |
Charle, E. G. |
Some problems of agricultural credit in Tanzania
1968 |
Chant, J. F. |
Socialism and economic development in Tropical Africa
1968 |
Arrighi, Giovanni |
Patterns of industrial location and urban growth in East Africa 1945-1985
1968 |
Safier, Michael |
Patterns of housing demand in Uganda
1968 |
Tribe, M. A. |
Madison and Nyerere : faction and society ; notes towards a comparison
1968 |
Nursey-Bray, P. F. |
Rural versus urban development
1968 |
Pioro, Z. J. |
The changing pattern of settlement at Omia Anyima in East Acholi
1968 |
Obol-Owit, L. E. C. |