Weber, Condorcet and plurality solutions to network location problems
1981 |
Hansen, P. |
Disparités des revenus et différenciacion des produits
1981 |
Jaskold Gabszewicz, Jean |
A new algorithm for creating metal alloys
1981 |
Proth, Jean-Marie |
A new perspective on sensitivity analysis in linear programming : a tolerance approach
1981 |
Wendell, Richard E. |
The multiproduct lot scheduling problem
1981 |
Schrage, Linus |
Optimal product quality and advertising
1981 |
Tapiero, Charles S. |
Prospective industrielle des technologies nouvelles : les cas du solaire
1981 |
Buigues, Pierre |
Marketing and investment policies of duopolists in a growing industry
1981 |
Thépot, Jacques |
Nash equilibrium as an optimum in the centralizable games
1981 |
Thépot, Jacques |
Spares stocking policies for repairable inventory systems with dependent repair times
1981 |
Hausman, Waren H. |
Open loop and closed loop equilibria in a dynamical duopoly
1981 |
Lévine, Jean |
Hierarchical analysis of consumers' evaluation of information sources
1981 |
Solgaard, Hans S. |
Supply fluctuations, capacity utilization and costs
1981 |
Beuthe, Michel |
An application of option theory to the foreign exchange market
1981 |
Beckers, Stan |
A stochastic brand choice price model
1981 |
Böcker, Franz |
Interproduct affiliation : a measurement approach
1981 |
Böcker, Franz |
The evaluation of different working time regulations : a comparison of segmentation approaches and models
1981 |
Böcher, Franz |
Study of two unreliable machines with random processing times and finite storage buffers : a Markovian approach
1981 |
Proth, Jean-Marie |
Labour selection as a part of managerial strategy formulation in a firm
1981 |
Tainio, Risto |
Dynamic equilibrium of an advertising duopoly in a growing industry
1981 |
Thépot, Jacques |