Problems in cost of crime analyses : some aspects of police expenditure in England and Wales
1967 |
Martin, J. P. |
Crime and development planning
1967 |
Clifford, W. |
Mental health training and its implications for social defence
1966 |
Blain, Daniel |
Elements of costs and benefits of a project to train educational and social workers in Cameroon
1966 |
Zumbach, Pierre |
Perspectives on specialized social defence training programmes in Latin America
1966 |
Sajón, Rafael |
Tentative appraisal of approaches to the training of youth workers
1966 |
François, Pierre |
The evaluation of methods used in the prevention of juvenile delinquency : european Seminar
1963 |
The evaluation of methods used for the prevention anbd treatment of juvenile delinquency in Africa south of the Sahara
1963 |
Clifford, W. |
The evaluation of methods used for the prevention of juvenile delinquency in the Arab countries
1963 |
Aougi, Mustafa El |
The evaluation of the methods used for the prevention of juvenile delinquency in Latin America
1963 |
Peña Nuñez, Julio |
La coordinación de los servicios gubernamentales para el tratamiento de los delincuentes menores y adultos
1962 |
Basalo, Juan Carlos García |
Quelques observations sur la création, dans certains pays d'Afrique occidentale en voie de développement, et plus particulièrement au Sénégal, de services destinés aux jeunes délinquants
1962 |
Marone, Omar |
Co-operation between government departments in the rehabilitation of offenders, with special reference to Singapore
1962 |
Guan, Lee Beng |
The organization of urban community development services in the prevention of crime and juvenile deliquency, with particular reference to less developed countries
1962 |
Clinard, Marshall Barron |
Industrialization and urbanization in relation to crime and juvenile delinquency
1960 |
Christiansen, Karl O. |
Les tendances dans la prévention des délits et le traitement des délinquants adultes et mineurs en Pologne
1960 |
Sawicki, Jerzy |
Crime in East Pakistan since 1947
1960 |
Karim, A. K. Nazmul |
The selection and training of correctional personnel with special reference to the federal prison system of the United States of America
1959 |
Bennett, James V. |
L ̕intégration du travail pénitentiaire dans lé̕conomie nationale
1959 |
Kellerhals, Hans |
Quelques considérations sur la formation du personnel de défense sociale en Yugoslavie
1959 |
Srzentic, Nikola |