Estimation of missing observations in the generalized linear regression model by means of dummy variables
1979 |
Erlat, Halûk |
Education and fertility in rural Turkey : individual and community effects
1979 |
Özbay, Ferhunde |
A proposal for a comprehensive framework for the marginal sector and squatter housing
1979 |
Şenyapili, Tansi |
Agricultural support policies in Turkey: a survey of literature
1979 |
Somel, Kutlu |
The establishment of centralized control over labour in Turkey, 1950-1960
1979 |
Tünay, Muharrem |
Modernleşme hareketlerinde yabanci elemanlardan yararlanma (1868-1914 meici dönemi Japon deneyimi)
1979 |
Tuncoku, A. Mete |
Refah iktisadı ve devlet: teori, Türkiye'deki uygulama ve çözüm yöntemleri
1979 |
Togan, Sübidey |
Supply response in Turkish agriculture : further results on wheat and cotton, 1948-1977
1979 |
Imrohoroğlu, Selahattin |
Theory of supply and supply response in traditional agriculture: a critical review
1979 |
Gürkan, A. Aslan |
Supply response in Turkish agriculture : Preliminary results on wheat and cotton, 1955-1975
1979 |
Ekmekçioǧlu, Çuna |
Türkiyed̕e toprak daǧiliminda ve tarimda deǧişimin niteliǧi üzerine gözlemler
1979 |
Aricanli, Tosun |
The money supply mechanism in Turkey
1978 |
Fry, Maxwell J. |
The role of marketing in banking
1978 |
Meidan, Arthur |
On gains from international investment in a context of growth
1978 |
Togan, Sübidey |
Further investigation into Turkey's Phillips curve
1978 |
Fry, Maxwell J. |
Money multiplier and the determinants of money stock in Turkey, 1968-1977
1978 |
Keyder, Nur |
Vadeli mevduat, devlet tahvili, pay senedi ve altin için verimlilik karşilaştirmasi
1978 |
Keyder, Nur |
Türkiye ekonomisinin ithalata bağimliliği: 1968 ve 1973 yillari
1978 |
Yildirim, Nuri |
Türkiye'de 1968 gelir daǧiliminda nesillerarasi etkileşim üzerine
1978 |
Kasnakoǧlu, Zehra |
Changes in the food retailing institutions of urban Turkey: the Istanbul experience
1978 |
Kaynak, Erdener |