The accountability sequence : from de-jure to de-facto constraints on governments
2019 |
Mechkova, Valeriya |
Approaches to corruption : a synthesis of the scholarship
2019 |
Prasad, Monica |
Legislature size, local government expenditure and taxation, and public service access in Indonesia
2019 |
Lewis, Blane D. |
Constellations of fragility : an empirical typology of states
2019 |
Ziaja, Sebastian |
Motivated and able to make a difference? : the reinforcing effects of democracy and state capacity on human development
2019 |
Taaning Grundholm, Alexander |
Polity size and the institutionalization of leadership succession
2019 |
Gerring, John |
Measuring polyarchy across the globe, 1900-2017
2019 |
Teorell, Jan |
Delivering more with less : subnational service provision in low capacity states
2019 |
Kyle, Jordan |
Economic diversification and institutional quality : issues of concentrated interests
2019 |
Olander, Petrus |
Household-based clientelism : brokers’ allocation of temporary public works programs in Argentina
2019 |
Ronconi, Lucas |
Beyond miracle and malaise : social capability in Côte d'Ivoire and Senegal during the development era 1930-1980
2019 |
Andersson, Jens |
Mind the electoral gap : the effect of investment in public infrastructure on authoritarian support in South Korea
2019 |
Cho, Joan E. |
Exploring performance-related pay as an anticorruption tool
2019 |
Sundström, Aksel |
The retreat to method : the aftermath of elite concession to civil society in India and Mexico
2019 |
Vithayathil, Trina |
Why remittances are a political blessing and not a curse
2019 |
Bearce, David H. |
Subnational inequality in Latin America : empirical and theoretical implications of moving beyond interpersonal inequality
2019 |
Otero-Bahamon, Silvia |
Leninism and local interests : how cities in China benefit from concurrent leadership appointments
2019 |
Bulman, David J. |
Making inroads : infrastructure, state capacity, and Chinese dominance in Latin American development
2019 |
Bersch, Katherine |
Social cleavages and preferences for government redistribution in contemporary China
2019 |
Huang, Xian |
Criminal politicians and socioeconomic development : evidence from rural India
2019 |
Cheng, Chao-yo |