Do patents work? : thickets, trolls and antibiotic resistance
2017 |
Gallini, Nancy Theresa |
An Eaton-Kortum model of trade and growth
2017 |
Naito, Takumi |
Access to credit and comparative advantage
2017 |
Egger, Peter |
The effects of foreign shocks when interest rates are at zero
2017 |
Bodenstein, Martin |
Modelling the sectoral allocation of labour in open economy models
2017 |
Povoledo, Laura |
Extensive and intensive margins and exchange rate regimes
2017 |
Hamano, Masashige |
Wealth inequality : theory, measurement and decomposition
2017 |
Davies, James B. |
Canadian contributions to family economics
2017 |
Lundberg, Shelly |
Empirical models of firms and industries
2017 |
Aguirregabiria, Victor |
The Canadian border and the US dollar : the impact of exchange rate changes on US retailers
2017 |
Chen, Zhe |
Can EconJobMarket help Canadian universities?
2017 |
Nguyen, Kim |
International trade and unionization : evidence from India
2017 |
Ahsan, Reshad N. |
The evolution of inflation expectations in Canada and the US
2017 |
Yetman, James |
Global sourcing and credit constraints
2017 |
Shen, Leilei |
Competition for natural resources and the hold‐up problem
2017 |
Hefeker, Carsten |
The empirical effects of competition on third‐degree price discrimination in the presence of arbitrage
2017 |
Boik, Andre |
Eco‐labelling by a for‐profit certifier : countervailing power and its consequences
2017 |
Barry, Ibrahima |
Horizontal mergers and product quality
2017 |
Brekke, Kurt R. |
The effect of technology choice on specialization and welfare in a two‐country model
2017 |
Sawada, Yukiko |
The rise of economics in competition policy : aCanadian perspective
2017 |
Boyer, Marcel |