Contribution to the phenomenological theory of perception
2004 |
Gurwitsch, Aron |
On seeing a material thing in space : the role of kinaesthesis in visual perception
2004 |
Drummond, John J. |
On Heidegger's phenomenology of perception
2004 |
Taminiaux, Jacques |
Beyond empathy : phenomenological approaches to intersubjectivity
2004 |
Zahavi, Dan |
Conciousness, the object, and its three distances
2004 |
Ortega y Gasset, José |
The Husserlian theory of intersubjectivity as alterology : emergent theories and wisdom traditions in the light of genetic phenomenology
2004 |
Depraz, Natalie |
Edmund Husserl's contribution to phenomenology of the body in Ideas II
2004 |
Behnke, Elizabeth A. |
Reason and emotion
2004 |
Cairns, Dorion |
Edmund HusserlÄs phenomenology of mood
2004 |
Lee, Nam-In |
The visual perception of distance
2004 |
Ballard, Edward G. |
Husserl's phenomenology of time-consiousness
2004 |
Brough, John |
Keeping the past in mind
2004 |
Casey, Edward S. |
The perception of other minds
2004 |
Scheler, Max |
The problem of transcendental intersubjectivity in Husserl
2004 |
Schutz, Alfred |
On the motility of the ego : a contribution to the phenomenology of the ego and postscript 1978
2004 |
Spiegelberg, Herbert |
Lived body and environment
2004 |
Gallagher, Shaun |
Merleau-Ponty and the reversibility thesis
2004 |
Dillon, M.C. |
Intentionality and the mind/body problem
2004 |
Mohanty, Jitendra Nath |
Advances regarding evaluation and action in Husserl's Ideas II
2004 |
Embree, Lester E. |