Integration prospects for the automotive industry under LAFTA
1969 |
Baranson, Jack |
Commercial banks and Latin American integration
1969 |
Bolin, William H. |
A welfare analysis of Latin American economic union : Six industry studies
1969 |
Carnoy, Martin |
Biomedical communications : United States and Latin American cooperation
1969 |
Corning, Mary E. |
Obstacles to Latin American integration
1969 |
Dell, Sidney |
The regional implication of economic integration
1969 |
Wood, Harold A. |
The case against Latin American integration : Economic and political factors
1969 |
Solar, Donald |
Inflation as an obstacle to Latin American economic integration
1969 |
Huelin, David |
The Church and Latin American integration
1969 |
Licate, Jack Anthony |
Political integration in Latin America
1969 |
Townsend Ezcurra, Andrés |
Paritcipation as a component of integration : a rationale for regional integration centers
1969 |
Truitt, George A. |
Problems of currency unification in Latin America : theory and policy
1969 |
Krieger, Ronald A. |
The political economy of economic integration
1969 |
Scaperlanda, Anthony E. |
LAFTA and Paraguay : economic and social development
1969 |
Hildebrand, John R. |
Latin American unity : a socio-economic overview
1969 |
Fox, Hugh |
Monetarism vs. structuralism : Conflict in U.S. economic aid to Latin America
1969 |
Cohen, Alvin |
The status of "Lesser developed" countries within a Latin American Common Market
1969 |
Krause, Walter |
The prospect and problems of Latin American cultural integration
1969 |
Atkinson, William C. |
The dynamics of the subregional agreements within the LAFTA movement
1969 |
Orrego Vicuña, Francisco |
Development and integration of Latin American telecommunications
1969 |
Rizzoni, Eitel M. |