Period analysis and multiplier theory
1944 |
Machlup, Fritz |
Classified bibliography of articles on business cycle theory
1944 |
Somers, Harold M. |
Mr Keynesʹ theory of the "Multiplier", a methodological criticism
1944 |
Haberler, Gottfried |
Monetary policy and investment
1944 |
Ellis, Howard Sylvester |
Business acceleration and the law of demand: a technical factor in economic cycles
1944 |
Clark, John Maurice |
The rate of interest and the optimum propensity to consume
1944 |
Lange, Oscar |
Saving and investment: definitions, assumptions, objectives
1944 |
Lerner, Abba P. |
Interactions between the multiplier analysis and the principle of acceleration
1944 |
Samuelson, Paul A. |
The long waves in economic life
1944 |
Kondratieff, Nikolai D. |
Some notes on the Stockholm theory of savings and investment
1944 |
Ohlin, Bertil |
Economic progress and declining population growth
1944 |
Hansen, Alvin Harvey |
A survey of modern monetary controversy
1944 |
Robertson, Dennis Holme |
Deficit spending
1944 |
Williams, John H. |
The analysis of economic change
1944 |
Schumpeter, Joseph A. |
The outcome of the saving-investment discussion
1944 |
Lutz, Friedrich A. |
An appraisal of the workability of compensatory devices
1944 |
Clark, John Maurice |
The cobweb theorem
1944 |
Ezekiel, Mordecai |
Price expectations, monetary disturbances and malinvestments
1944 |
Hayek, Friedrich A. |
The trade cycle
1944 |
Hawtrey, Ralph George |
Business cycles
1944 |
Mitchell, Wesley Clair |