Martyrdom: a Drama of Foundation and Transition
2004 |
Szyska, Christian |
Passion and Rebellion. Shīʿīte Visions of Redemptive Martyrdom
2004 |
Pannewick, Friederike |
"Pardon Those Who Love Passionately" : A Theologian's Endorsement of Shahādat al-ʿIshq
2004 |
Gruendler, Beatrice |
The Sufi-Poet-Lover as Martyr :ʿAṭṭar and Ḥāfiẓ in Persian Poetic Traditions
2004 |
Sharma, Sunil |
Martyrdom Performed : On the Interrelation of Roman Comedy and Christian Martyrdom
2004 |
Elm, Dorothee |
Leiden und Leidenschaft : Zur Inszenierung christlicher Martyrien in der frühen Neuzeit
2004 |
Burschel, Peter |
Martyrium und Opfer : Der Liebestod im Tristan
2004 |
Kasten, Ingrid |
The Martyr and His Image : Ilyās Khūrī's al-Wujūh al-bayḍāʾ (The White Faces)
2004 |
Mejcher-Atassi, Sonja |
Martyrs of Love, Eros and Thanatos in Classical Literature
2004 |
Hooff, Anton van |
Liebe, Märtyrertum und Lohn im abbasidischen Ġazal
2004 |
Enderwitz, Susanne |
From Sacrilege to Sacrifice : Observations on Violent Death in Classical and Modern Arabic Poetry
2004 |
Neuwirth, Angelika |
"Herzpause" : Rainer Maria Rilke über Puppen
2004 |
Goebel, Eckart |
"Schöne Ungeheuer" und "menschliche Geschosse" : Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, Walter Benjamin und Ernst Jünger über Märtyrer und Märtyrerdramen
2004 |
Meyer-Kalkus, Reinhart |
2004 |
Pannewick, Friederike |
Der Märtyrer und der Souverän : Szenarien eines modernen Trauerspiels, gelesen mit Walter Benjamin und Carl Schmitt
2004 |
Weigel, Sigrid |
The Martyred Poet on the Cross in Arabic Poetry : Sacrifice, Victimization, or the Other Side of Heroism?
2004 |
Pannewick, Friederike |
The ʿUdhra: Love and Death in the Umayyad Period
2004 |
Jacobi, Renate |
The ʿUdhrī Narrative in Arabic Literature
2004 |
Leder, Stefan |
The Deconstruction of Martyrdom in Modern Arabic Novel : Rashīd al-Daʿīf's ʿAzīzī al-Sayyid Kawābātā and Saḥar Khalīfa's Bāb al-Sāḥa
2004 |
Klemm, Verena |