The economic history of modern Britain
1965 |
Habakkuk, Hrothgar John |
The population problem during the industrial revolution : a note on the present state of the controversy
1965 |
Marshall, Thomas Humphrey |
Births and deaths among Europe's ruling families since 1500
1965 |
Peller, Sigismund |
A demographic study of the British ducal families
1965 |
Hollingsworth, T. H. |
Population and population movements in England and Wales, 1700 to 1850
1965 |
Glass, David Victor |
Two papers on Gregory King
1965 |
Glass, David Victor |
The demographic development of Flanders in the eighteenth century
1965 |
Deprez, P. |
Finland's population movement in the eighteenth century
1965 |
Jutikkala, Eino |
Three essays on the population and economy of the Midlands : enclosure and labour supply in the industrial revolution
1965 |
Chambers, Jonathan D. |
Towards a history of population : Transl. by Peter Jimack
1965 |
Chevalier, Louis |
The general development of the population of France since the eighteenth century
1965 |
Bourgeois-Pichat, Jean |
Two essays on population in eighteenth-century Scandinavia : a survey of some recent work and current problems
1965 |
Utterström, Gustaf |
Population, economy and society
1965 |
Eversley, David Edward Charles |
English population in the eighteenth century
1965 |
Habakkuk, Hrothgar John |
European marriage patterns in perspective
1965 |
Hajnal, John |
Demographic crisis in France from the sixteenth to the eighteenth century
1965 |
Meuvret, Jean |
The vital revolution reconsidered : repr. with minor revisions by the author
1965 |
Helleiner, Karl F. |
Four centuries of Italian demographic development
1965 |
Cipolla, Carlo M. |
Land and population in Ireland 1780-1845
1965 |
Connell, K. H. |
The population of Barmen before and during the period of industrialization
1965 |
Koellmann, Wolfgang |