Inequality and insurgency
2003 |
Muller, Edward N. |
Productivity growth, convergence, and welfare : comment
2003 |
DeLong, James Bradford |
The achievement motive in economic growth
2003 |
McClelland, David C. |
The Confucian ethic and economic growth
2003 |
Kahn, Herman |
Income inequality, development, and dependence : a reconsideration
2003 |
Alderson, Arthur S. |
American penetration and Canadian development : a case study of mature dependency
2003 |
Hammer, Heather-Jo |
Why aren't countries rich? : Weak states and bad neighbourhoods
2003 |
Kenny, Charles |
The rising inequality of world income distribution
2003 |
Wade, Robert |
Economic growth and income inequality
2003 |
Kuznets, Simon Smith |
The culture of poverty
2003 |
Lewis, Oscar |
The effect of cultural values on economic development : theory, hypotheses, and some empirical tests
2003 |
Granato, James S. |
The structure of dependence
2003 |
Santos, Theotônio dos |
The long-term effects of foreign investment dependence on economic growth, 1940 - 1990
2003 |
Kentor, Jeffrey |
Big bills left on the sidewalk : why some nations are rich, and others poor
2003 |
Olson, Mancur |
The world economy : a millenial perspective
2003 |
Maddison, Angus |
Could it be that the whole world is already rich? : A comparison of RGDP/pc and GNP/pc measures
2003 |
Passé-Smith, John T. |
Should equity be a goal of economic policy?
2003 |
Some new evidence on correlates of political violence : income inequality, regime repressiveness, and economic development
2003 |
Weede, Erich |
Catching up, forging ahead, and falling behind
2003 |
Abramovitz, Moses |
Productivity growth, convergence, and welfare : what the long-run data show
2003 |
Baumol, William J. |