Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, Helsinki
1975 |
The Trade Reform Act
1974 |
Kissinger, ... |
Prospects for U.S. -Soviet economic relations
1973 |
Cline, Ray S. |
U.S. foreign policy for the 1970s shaping a durable peace : a report to the Congress, 3.5.1973
1973 |
Nixon, Richard |
Natural disasters : agenda for action
1968 |
Kotschnig, Walter Maria |
International cooperation for monetary stability and economic development
1968 |
Johnson, Lyndon Baines |
Report of the Special Committee on U.S. Trade with East European Countries and the Soviet Union
1966 |
Improving the worldʹs monetary system : remarks by President Johnson
1965 |
Mann, Thomas C. |
World trade and the Kennedy Round
1965 |
Blumenhtal, W. Michael |
The concept of a national market and its economic growth implications : an address made before the American Marketing Association at Washington, D. C., on Sept. 1.1965
1965 |
Rosrow, Walt Whitman |
East-West trade : address made before the Salesmanship Club of Dallas at Dallas, Tex., on Oct. 21, during Dallas World Trade Week
1965 |
Solomon, Anthony M. |
U.S. objectives and refugee relief programs in Africa
1965 |
Williams, G. Mennen |
A worldwide cooperative effort in water desalination : address made on Oct. 4. at opening ceremonies of the First International Symposium on Water Desalination, Washington, Oct. 3-9
1965 |
Udall, Steward L. |
Housing and urban development in Latin America
1965 |
Vaughn, Jack H. |
Strengthening the international development institutions
1965 |
Stevenson, Adlai Ewing |
U. S. trade policy in Latin America
1965 |
Vaughn, Jack H. |
The Kennedy Round
1965 |
Blumenhtal, W. Michael |
United States policy in Africa
1965 |
Williams, G. Mennen |
European aspects of the mutual security program
1960 |
Kohler, Foy D. |
The people of Louisville and America's cultural relations : address made on 14.6.1960
1960 |
Thayer, Robert H. |