Transaction cost : are they just costs?
1985 |
Barzel, Yoram |
The property rights theory of the firm : some evidence from the U. S. nursing home industry ; comment
1985 |
Gäfgen, Gérard |
Governance costs of rate-of-return regulation
1985 |
Crew, Michael A. |
Long-term vertical relationships and the study of industrial organization and government regulation
1985 |
Joskow, Paul L. |
Planning, flexibility, and joint specificity of inputs : the use of first refusual rights
1985 |
Harris, R. Scott |
Self-enforcing contracts
1985 |
Klein, Benjamin |
Reflections on relational contract
1985 |
Macneil, Ian R. |
The limits of solidarity : relational contracting in perspective and some criticism of traditional sociology
1985 |
Lindenberg, Siegwart |
Credit rationing theory : a survey and synthesis
1985 |
Baltensperger, Ernst |
[Rezension von: Deutsche Wirtschaft 1929/1983 : Gießen, 1985, Schmitz]
1985 |
Glastetter, Werner |
[Rezension von: Aktuelle Wege der Wirtschaftspolitik : Berlin, 1983, Duncker & Humblot]
1985 |
Berg, Hartmut |
[Rezension von: Becker, Hans, Eine transaktionskostentheoretische Interpretation interner Arbeitsmärkte]
1985 |
Franz, Wolfgang |
[Rezension von: Schumpeter oder Keynes? : Berlin, 1984, Springer]
1985 |
Niehans, Jürg |
[Rezension von: Glastetter, Werner, Die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1950 - 1980]
1985 |
Hennings, Klaus H. |
[Rezension von: Geld, Banken und Versicherungen]
1985 |
Bühler, Wolfgang |
[Besprechung von:] Niehans, Jürg: International monetary economics. Oxford 1984
1985 |
Grauwe, Paul de |
Economic aspects of bankruptcy law
1985 |
Hax, Herbert |
A Weberian analysis of economic progress : the case of resource-exporting LDC's
1985 |
Seyfert, Wolfgang |
The prosects for a sustained upswing : the 1984/85 Report of the German Council of Economic Experts
1985 |
Siebke, Jürgen |
[Besprechung von:] Posner, Richard A.: The economics of justice. [Cambridge/Mass., London] 1981
1985 |
Oehler, Wolfgang |