The calculation of the economic efficiency of foreign trade
1965 |
Fiszel, Henryk |
Factile graphical analysis
1965 |
Mahalanobis, P. C. |
Prices, incentives and calculation methods
1965 |
Wakar, Aleksy |
Die Zeitsummenformel im System der Indexformeln
1965 |
Behrens, Fritz |
The laws of value and the problem of allocation in socialism
1965 |
Brus, Włodzimierz |
Zur Genesis der Schumpeterschen Theorie der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung
1965 |
März, Eduard |
Les industries motrices et la planification de la croissance dʹune économie nationale
1965 |
Perroux, François |
On the control of production and investment in socialism
1965 |
Mieszczankowski, Mieczysław |
Analysis of structural dependences in central plan construction
1965 |
Porwit, Krzysztof |
Einige Überlegungen zu einigen modernen Tendenzen der Entwicklung des Nationalprodukts
1965 |
Kuczynski, Jürgen |
A multilateral trade clearing agency
1965 |
Frisch, Ragnar |
Transitional planning : the adaption of the economy to a higher rate of growth
1965 |
Stone, Richard |
External economies via infrastructure in a two-sector model
1965 |
Hershlag, Zvi Yehuda |
Econometric model and historical materialism
1965 |
Kalecki, Michal |
Trudovaja teorija stoimosti i econometrika
1965 |
Konjus, A. A. |
Consumer's sovereignty in a planned economy
1965 |
Robinson, Joan |
The consumption model and means of its implementation
1965 |
Zieliński, Janusz G. |
Some further comments of the discussion about socialist price-policy
1965 |
Dobb, Maurice Herbert |
Währungspolitik als Instrument wirtschaftlicher Machtentfaltung
1965 |
Dobretsberger, Josef |
A note on the long-term planning of new industrial developments
1965 |
Rothschild, Kurt W. |