Connected lending : Thailand before the financial crisis
2006 |
Charumilind, Chutatong |
Macromomentum : returns predictability in international equity indices
2006 |
Bhojraj, Sanjeev |
On the out-of-sample predictability of stock market returns
2006 |
Guo, Hui |
The hedge ratio and the empirical relationship between the stock and futures markets : a new approach using wavelet analysis
2006 |
In, Francis Haeuck |
Promotions in the internal and external labor market : evidence from professional football coaching careers
2006 |
Fee, C. Edward |
Size, leverage, concentration, and R&D investment in generating growth opportunities
2006 |
Ho, Yew Kee |
Asset pricing when returns are nonnormal : fama-french factors versus higher-order systematic comoments
2006 |
Chung, Y. Peter |
A new variance bound on the stochastic discount factor
2006 |
Kan, Raymond |
Merger momentum and investor sentiment : the stock market reaction to merger announcements
2006 |
Rosen, Richard Joseph |
Information flow and liquidity around anticipated and unanticipated dividend announcements
2006 |
Graham, John R. |
Capital structure, debt maturity, and stochastic interest rates
2006 |
Ju, Nengjiu |
Post-takeover restructuring and the sources of gains in foreign takeovers : evidence from US targets
2006 |
The "ostrich effect" and the relationship between the liquidity and the yields of financial assets
2006 |
Galai, Dan |
Endogeneity and simultaneity in competitive pricing and advertising : a logit demand analysis
2006 |
Chintagunta, Pradeep K. |
Asset prices and consumption in a model of perpetual youth
2006 |
Athanasoulis, Stefano |
Prevention is better than cure : the role of IPO syndicates in precluding information acquisition
2006 |
Barzel, Yoram |
Are firms successful at selective hedging?
2006 |
Brown, Gregory W. |
Interest rate term structure modeling using free-knot splines
2006 |
Fernández Rodríguez, Fernando |
Corporate leverage and product differentiation strategy
2006 |
Arping, Stefan |
Fifteen minutes of fame? : the market impact of internet stock picks
2006 |
Antunovich, Peter |