Supply-side tax cuts : will they reduce inflation?
1982 |
Supel, Thomas M. |
We are all supply-siders now
1982 |
Tatom, John A. |
Supply-side economics and how it became a presidential program
1982 |
Merry, Robert W. |
Supply-side economics : what is it? ; will it work?
1982 |
Tobin, James |
The death of Keynes
1982 |
Lucas, Robert E. |
Lessons of the tax cuts of yesteryear
1982 |
Mueller, John |
An essay on Keynesian economics
1982 |
Kellner, Irwin L. |
Will it work?
1982 |
Kellner, Irwin L. |
What went wrong with "supply side" economics
1982 |
Laffer, Arthur B. |
Supply-side economics : what chance for success
1982 |
Protopapadakis, Aris |
Norman B. Ture on supply-side economics
1982 |
Raboy, David |
Will Reaganomics unravel?
1982 |
Roberts, Paul Craig |
The economics and politics of the supply-side view
1982 |
Juster, F. Thomas |
Supply-side economics : an introduction
1982 |
Krieger, Ronald A. |
The Reagan program for economic recovery : economic rationale (a primer on supply-side economics)
1982 |
Barth, James R. |
The education of David Stockman
1982 |
Greider, William |
The Reagan economic plan
1982 |
Hall, Robert |
The uncertainties of the Laffer effect
1982 |
Miller, Preston J. |
The Reagan economic plan supply-side, budget and inflation
1982 |
Tobin, James |
George Filder on why supply-side economics will work
1982 |
Kemp, Jack F. |