Maquiladoras : a new face of international capitalism on Mexico's Northern frontier
1983 |
Bustamante, Jorge A. |
The impact of the changing international division of labor on different sectors of the labor force
1983 |
Nash, June |
Kitchens hit by priorities : Employed working-class Jamaican women confront the IMF
1983 |
Bolles, A. Lynn |
Household, community, national and multinational industrial development
1983 |
Aguiar, Neuma |
The formation of an ethnic group : colombian female workers in Venezuela
1983 |
Berlin, Margalit |
The new international division of labor and the U.S. work force : the case of the electronics industry
1983 |
Snow, Robert |
The emergence of small-scale industry in a Taiwanese rural community
1983 |
Hu, Tai-Li |
Capitalism imperialism, and patriarchy : the dilemma of Third-World women workers in multinational factories
1983 |
Lim, Linda Y. C. |
Labor migrations and the new international division of labor
1983 |
Sassen-Koob, Saskia |
Mexican border industrialization, female labor force participation and migration
1983 |
Fernández-Kelly, María Patricia |
Women, production, and reproduction in industrial capitalism : a comparison of Brazilian and U.S. Factory workers
1983 |
Safa, Helen I. |
Women textile workers in the militarization of Southeast Asia
1983 |
Enloe, Cynthia H. |
Silicon Valleyʹs women workers : a theoretical analysis of sex-segregation in the electronics industry labor market
1983 |
Green, Susan S. |
The domestic clothing workers in the Mexican metropolis and their relation to dependent capitalism
1983 |
Alonso, José A. |
The impact of industrialization on women : a Caraibbean case
1983 |
Abraham-Van der Mark, Eva E. |
Global industries and Malay peasants in Peninsular Malaysia
1983 |
Ong, Aihwa |
Fast forward : the internationalization of Silicon Valley
1983 |
Katz, Naomi |
The division of labor in electronics
1983 |
Keller, John F. |