"The enemy of the market is not ideology but the engineer", John Kenneth Galbraith
1982 |
Beus, J. W. de |
Supply-side economics : het antwoord op de crisis?
1982 |
Duijn, J. J. van |
"The system is not self-adjusting", John Maynard Keynes
1982 |
Nentjes, A. |
"Sooner or later we shall be faced once more with the problem of stagnation", Roy Forbes Harrod
1982 |
Glombowski, Jörg |
"To abolish crises, capitalism must be abolished", Maurice Dobb
1982 |
Ellman, M. J. |
Over stromingen in het economisch denken
1982 |
Klerk, Rob de |
"The problem of stagflation is deeply rooted in the mixed economy"
1982 |
Klerk, Rob de |
"Iʹd rather have history on my side than professor Friedman"
1982 |
Klerk, Rob de |
"Capitalism is change", Joseph Alois Schumpeter
1982 |
Groenewegen, J. |
"As long as I have known economics, it has always been in crisis", Joan Robinson
1982 |
Brouwer, Maria |
Economische ontwikkeling, crisis en economische politiek
1982 |
Klerk, Rob de |
ʺWe consider the long cycles in the capitalist economy only as probableʺ, Nikolai Dmitrievitsj Kondratieff
1982 |
Duijn, J. J. van |
"Its final goal should be the "construction" of an ideal economy", Jan Tinbergen
1982 |
Waardenburg, J. George |
Government is not the solution, it's the problem, Milton Friedman"
1982 |
Bomhoff, Eduard J. |
"The 1974-'75 recession was the outcome of a typical phase of decline in the rate of profit"
1982 |
Laan, Hugo van der |