Agriculture and the public interest
1967 |
Ashton, John |
Agriculture in the Irish economy
1967 |
Attwood, Edwin Arthur |
Trends in consumption and marketing
1967 |
Carpenter, E. M. |
From the farmer's stanpoint
1967 |
Beresford, J. Tristram |
The problem of adjusting agriculture to national economic growth : some experiences from Sweden
1967 |
Hjlem, Lennart |
The pressures on Britainʹs rural land
1967 |
Wibberley, Gerald P. |
The speculative element in economic projections
1967 |
Houston, George |
Forestry in Britain
1967 |
Grayson, A. J. |
Britain's trade in agricultural products
1967 |
Warley, Thorald K. |
An NFU appraisal of the future needs of British agriculture
1967 |
Winegarten, Asher |
Trends and policies of agriculture in the USA
1967 |
Heady, Earl O. |
Adaptation in European agriculture and common agricultural policy
1967 |
Lierde, Jacques Jean-Baptist-Petrus van |
The desirable level of agriculture in the British economy
1967 |
Robinson, Edward Austin Gossage |
Productivity in agriculture
1967 |
Dexter, K. |
Some social considerations
1967 |
Wallace, D. B. |
Future of farming : an agricultural scientists̕ viewpoint
1967 |
Cooper, Malcolm McGregor |
Research, education and extension
1967 |
Davies, Albert J. |
Agriculture's related industries
1967 |
Kirk, J. H. |