What's going on with production and expenditure GDP?
1995 |
Chapple, Simon Timothy |
Some practical aspects of the NZIER measure of capacity utilisation
1993 |
Silverstone, Brian |
The competitiveness of the traded and non-traded sectors
1993 |
Chapple, Simon Timothy |
Medium term outlook to ..
1993 |
Medium term outlook to ..
1992 |
Sector level manufacturing competitiveness indices
1991 |
Colgate, Pat |
Medium term outlook to ..
1991 |
Price forecasting equations
1990 |
Grimmond, David |
Taxation of income from capital
1990 |
Grimmond, David |
Medium term outlook to ..
1990 |
International competitiveness
1989 |
Grimmond, David |
Capacity utilisation and inflation : some stylised evidence
1989 |
Silverstone, Brian |
Medium term outlook to ..
1989 |
Inflation and the savings ratio
1988 |
Orr, Adrian B. |
Structural and behavioural responses to deregulation : a progress report
1988 |
Campbell-Hunt, Colin |
Medium term outlook
1988 |
Measurement of gross domestic product : a technical note
1988 |
Grimmond, David |
New Zealand external capital flows and debt : A technical note
1988 |
Vandersyp, C. J. |
New initiatives for the New Zealand economy
1987 |
Hawke, Gary R. |
Labour productivity in manufacturing : a note
1987 |
Williams, Neil |