The Catalan commercial establishment in America : 1680 - 1898
1989 |
Martínez Shaw, Carlos |
Aspects of North Atlantic migration : steerage conditions and American law ; 1819 - 1909
1989 |
Jones, Maldwyn A. |
Slaves, coolies and bondsmen
1989 |
Young, Robert J. |
Typologie des navires utilisés sur les routes de l'Orient Méditerranéen
1989 |
Villain-Gandossi, Christiane |
Winds waves and rocks : the routes and the perils along them
1989 |
Pryor, John H. |
Socio-demographic characteristics of Irish immigrants 1846 - 1851
1989 |
Glazier, Ira A. |
Aspectos maritimos del comercio de esclavos con Hispano-America en el siglo XVII
1989 |
Vila Vilar, Enriqueta |
The role of the shipping agent in migration : a study in business history
1989 |
Jones, Stephanie |
The infrastructure and equipment of the harbours in Western Europe around 1880
1989 |
Veraghtert, Karel |
Les migrations baltiques et Gdańsk au seuil de l'ère moderne XVIe - XVIIIe siècles
1989 |
Bogucka, Maria |
The sea as highway : maritime service as a means of international migration, 1863 - 1913
1989 |
Fischer, Lewis R. |
Les aspects maritimes des migrations humaines dans le monde muselman des origines au début du XVIe siècle
1989 |
Khoury, Ibrahim |
Scandinavian and Baltic transatlantic passenger lines
1989 |
Kolltveit, Bård |
Norwegian emigrants and Canadian timber
1989 |
Nordvik, Helge W. |
From sail to steam in Norwegian emigration 1870 - 1910
1989 |
Pettersen, Lauritz |
The coolie ships : the transportation of indentured labourers between Calcutta and Paramaribo, 1873 - 1921
1989 |
Emmer, Piet C. |
The social expansion of the maritime world of Indian Ocean : passenger traffic and community building 1815 - 1939
1989 |
Die Auswanderung nach Lateinamerika und die deutschen Kaufleute : vornehmlich am Beispiel Brasilien
1989 |
Kellenbenz, Hermann |
The Chinese junk trade : merchants, entrepreneurs, and collies 1600 - 1850
1989 |
Ju-K'ang, T'ien |
Our home is girt by sea : the passenger trade of Australia and New Zealand, 1788 - 1914
1989 |
Broeze, Frank |