Export side effects of wars on organized crime : the case of Mexico
2023 |
Gorrín, Jesús |
The role of immigrants in the United States labor market and Chinese import competition
2023 |
Yu, Chan |
Exploring European regional trade
2023 |
Santamaria, Marta |
Global banking and the international transmission of shocks : a quantitative analysis
2023 |
Fillat Comenge, José Luis |
Robots, tasks, and trade
2023 |
Artuc, Erhan |
Mitigating information frictions in trade : evidence from export credit guarantees
2023 |
Agarwal, Natasha |
The global minimum tax raises more revenues than you think, or much less
2023 |
Janeba, Eckhard |
The international transmission of local economic shocks through migrant networks
2023 |
Caballero, Maria Ésther |
Making sovereign debt safe with a financial stability fund
2023 |
Liu, Yan |
Escaping import competition in China
2023 |
Fieler, Ana Cecília |
Precautionary protectionism
2023 |
Traiberman, Sharon |
Regulatory arbitrage and loan location decisions by multinational banks
2023 |
Demirgüç-Kunt, Asli |
Robust optimal macroprudential policy
2023 |
Bennett, Federico |
Productivity slowdown and tax havens : where is measured value creation?
2023 |
Bricongne, Jean-Charles |
On the effects of income heterogeneity in monopolistically competitive markets
2023 |
Kichko, Sergei |
Quantum prices
2023 |
Aparicio, Diego |
Import substitution in illicit methamphetamine markets
2023 |
Freylejer, Leandro |
Intellectual property infringement by foreign firms : import protection through the ITC or court
2023 |
Brander, James A. |
Trade intermediation by producers
2023 |
Erbahar, Aksel |
MPCs in an emerging economy : evidence from Peru
2023 |
Hong, Seungki |