Branch and bound algorithms for the solution of the general unidimensional Knapsack problem
1977 |
Martello, Silvano |
A new algorithm for the travelling salesman problem with duedates
1977 |
Carpaneto, Giorgio |
An approach to adaptive multigoal control using fuzzy automata
1977 |
Carlsson, Christer |
OR in financial planning and control of UK public expenditure
1977 |
Turner, T. P. |
Affectation optimale des postes redresseurs alimentant en énergie le réseau métropolitain de la Régie Autonome des Transports Parisiens
1977 |
Sitruk, Guy |
An iterative procedure to solve a non linear investment model
1977 |
Loon, Paul J. J. M. van |
A hybrid algorithm for the general MIP-problem
1977 |
Pastijn, Hugo J. A. M. |
Aide à la décision en matière de protection contre les risiques radiologiques en milieu industriel (cas des mines d'uranium)
1977 |
Meslin, Thierry |
Linear least-squares prediction based on covariance data from stationary processes with finite-dimensional realizations
1977 |
Lindquist, Anders |
Minimum cost location of branched networks for transportation to a center
1977 |
Mosler, Karl |
Contribution à lʹétude dʹun jeu promotionnel
1977 |
Poupard, Yves |
Long range forestry management on national and regional levels
1977 |
Nilsson, Nils-Erik |
Explicative models in multicriteria préference analysis
1977 |
Jacquet-Lagreze, Eric |
Relaxation analysis in multi-criteria linear programming, an introduction
1977 |
Gal, Tomas |
An algorithm for the solution of multi-index transportation problems
1977 |
Junginger, Werner |
An interactive approach to the facility location districting problem
1977 |
Palermo, Pier Carlo |
A case study in problem structuring
1977 |
Madsen, Oli B. G. |
A modular general purpose linear programming model generator
1977 |
Giro, José M. |
Optimality conditions in geometric programming
1977 |
Rijckaert, M. J. |
Operational objectives for health services
1977 |
Rosser, Rachel |