Pressure on natural resources : implications for research and policy
1986 |
Weinschenk, Günther |
Regional co-operation in the food sector among developing countries to improve food security
1986 |
Koester, Ulrich |
The role of institutions in formulation of agricultural policy : their repercussions on the challenges of an agriculture in a turbulent world economy
1986 |
Schmitt, Günther |
Technological stages in agricultural development, their determinants and perspective
1974 |
Sawada, S. |
Induced technical and institutional change and the future of agriculture
1974 |
Ruttan, Vernon W. |
The outcome of population policies
1974 |
Krašovec, Stane |
Market development for farm products
1969 |
Ogren, Kenneth E. |
Competition for land between farming, forestry, recreation and other uses
1969 |
Beilby, O. J. |
Factors affecting the flow and productivity of capital to agriculture : taxes, products, and factor subsidies
1969 |
Ergas, I. H. |
Planning of socialist agriculture in the U.S.S.R. under economic reform
1969 |
Vorobiev, G. I. |
The improvement of markets and marketing within low-income economies
1968 |
Miller Paiva, Ruy |
Major determinants of the productivity of agricultural labour
1967 |
Mellor, John Williams |
Trends and prospects from the standpoint of natural scientists
1967 |
Bawden, F. C. |
Problems of international trade in agricultural products, with special reference to the effects of monetary and fiscal policies
1967 |
Keen, W. L. |
Economists on active service
1967 |
Johnson, Sherman E. |
Irrigation and settlement schemes
1967 |
Lowe, Yehuda |
Approaches and findings of farm-production economists in North America
1967 |
Baker, C. B. |
Problems of agricultural administration and extension services
1967 |
Joy, Leonard |
International trade and marketing problems with particular reference to regional and other agreements
1967 |
Dams, Theodor J. |
Agriculture and the political scientist
1967 |
Bićanić, Rudolph |