Duopoly, defensive strategies, and the kinked demand curve
1968 |
Grossack, Irvin M. |
A dynamic theory of interfirm behavior
1968 |
Williamson, Oliver E. |
The stability of neutralism : a geometric note
1968 |
Hirschman, Albert O. |
The interindustry propensity to strike : an international comparison
1968 |
Kerr, Clark |
The elasticity of committee decisions with alterations in the member's preference schedules
1968 |
Black, Duncan |
Forecasting and analysis with an econometric model
1968 |
Suits, Daniel B. |
Analysis of stability and change in market shares
1968 |
Gort, Michael |
On external diseconomies and the government-assisted invisible hand
1968 |
Wellisz, Stanislaw H. |
Economic development, research and development, policy making : some converging views
1968 |
Hirschman, Albert O. |
The costs of decision making
1968 |
Buchanan, James M. |
An economic theory of clubs
1968 |
Buchanan, James M. |
The relation of power to the structure and process of collective bargaining
1968 |
Livernash, E. R. |
Strategy and market structure
1968 |
Shubik, Martin |
What interdependence for NATO?
1968 |
Hoag, Malcolm W. |
The theory of viability
1968 |
Boulding, Kenneth E. |
The tyranny of small decisions : market failures, imperfections, and the limits of econometrics
1968 |
Kahn, Alfred E. |
A theory of groups and organizations
1968 |
Olson jr., Mancur |
Is there a long-run trend toward concentration in the international system?
1968 |
Russett, Bruce M. |
A theory of oligopoly
1968 |
Stigler, George J. |
The economics of discrimination
1968 |
Kreuger, Anne O. |