The degree of monopoly and multivariable sales policies
1978 |
Spremann, Klaus |
On the relationship between numerical taxonomy and the theory of economic indices
1978 |
Opitz, Otto |
Fisherʹs five times fork and other quantum theories of index numbers
1978 |
Vartia, Yrjö O. |
A system of indices for the external analysis of the earning capacity standard and financial power of industrial joint stock companies
1978 |
Hecker, Rainer |
Divisia indices on different paths
1978 |
Vogt, Arthur |
Price indices and generalized associativity
1978 |
Gehrig, Wilhelm |
Basic ideas on stochastic indices
1978 |
Mundlos, Bernd |
What is an economic index? : an attempt of an answer
1978 |
Eichhorn, Wolfgang |
A note on the characterization of Fisherʹs "ideal index"
1978 |
Funke, Helmut |
On the sensitivity of key sector indices
1978 |
Kogelschatz, Hartmut |
A taste-dependent true wage index
1978 |
Phlips, Louis |
Revealed preference and the economic theory of index numbers
1978 |
Fuchs-Seliger, Susanne |
Neutral changes in tastes and utility
1978 |
Beckmann, Martin J. |
Indices of income inequality and societal income
1978 |
Bürk, Ralph |
Some considerations on related discrete and continuous dynamic economic models
1978 |
Bertsch, Karl Heinz |
Dynamic utility and aggregator for functions for the allocation of private consumption in input-output models; an econometric analysis
1978 |
Conrad, Klaus |
Separability and index properties of ray-homothetic dynamic production structures
1978 |
Färe, Rolf |
Linear models with variable coefficients
1978 |
Härtter, Erich |
On the problem of using aggregate predictions
1978 |
Reeh, Klaus |
A dynamic formulation of index functions for the theory of cost and production
1978 |
Shephard, R. W. |