Monetary stability and heterodoxy : a history of economic thought perspective
2004 |
Deleplace, Ghislain |
Effective demand and cash flow requirements in a monetary economy
2004 |
Trezza, Bruno |
Weaving cloth from Graziani's thread : endogenous money in a simple (but complete) Keynesian model
2004 |
Godley, Wynne |
Saving and investment : Keynes revisited
2004 |
Moore, Basil J. |
Some notes on post-classical macroeconomics
2004 |
Roncaglia, Alessandro |
Rent, technology, and the environment
2004 |
Quadrio Curzio, Alberto |
Is Ricardian extensive rent a Nash Equilibrium?
2004 |
Salvadori, Neri |
The European UMTS licences allocation : why economic theory has not worked
2004 |
Del Monte, Alfredo |
From corporative programmed economy to post-war planning : some notes on the debate among Italian economists (circa 1910-1953)
2004 |
Faucci, Riccardo |
Liquidity constraints and small firms growth : the case of Southern Italy
2004 |
Giannola, Adriano |
Budgetary constraints, stocks and flows in a monetary economy : Keynes's economics once more
2004 |
Cartelier, Jean |
Krugman on the liquidity trap : why inflation will not bring recovery in Japan
2004 |
Kregel, Jan A. |
The economic role of the state as a factor of production
2004 |
Fausto, Domenicantonio |
Money, saving and intertemporal resource allocation
2004 |
Costabile, Lilia |
Labour market deregulation and unemployment in a monetary economy
2004 |
Davanzati, Guglielmo Forges |
The solution of the paradox of profits
2004 |
Parguez, Alain |
Aspects of a new conceptual integration of Keynes's treatise on money and the general theory : logical time units and macroeconomic price economic
2004 |
Seccareccia, Mario |
Vertical integration in the changing economy
2004 |
Steedman, Ian |
Financial sector reforms in developing countries with special reference to Egypt
2004 |
Arestis, Philip |
Central bank independence and democracy : a historical perspective
2004 |
Panico, Carlo |