An analysis of tax reform in Ghana (1983 - 2002)
2003 |
Appiah-Kubi, Kojo |
The urban housing crisis in Ghana : capital, the state versus the people
2003 |
Songsore, Jacob |
The political economy of Ghana's foreign policy : past, present and the future
2000 |
Boafo-Arthur, Kwame |
Institutional determinants of labour market performance in Ghana
2000 |
Boateng, Kwabia |
Income redistribution in Ghana : a study of rural development strategies
1978 |
Ofori-Atta, J. |
The Ghanaian rural youth : resources for social development
1978 |
Brown, C. K. |
Nationalistic economic policies in developing nations : the case of the Nigerian enterprises promotion decree 1972
1977 |
Ogunpola, Akin |
Political and economic issues in the growth and pattern of government expenditure in Ghana, 1957-1969
1977 |
Ofori-Atta, J. |
The prospects and potential of political activism by the aged : the American experience
1977 |
Rogers, Tommy |
Some methodological issues in current research in geography : their relevance for the concept of scientific history
1977 |
Amoah, F. E. K. |
Ghana Housing Corporation and the politics of housing, 1956-1972
1977 |
Kwaku, Ken |
Arabic language and Muslim society in West Africa : a historical perspective
1977 |
Hunwick, J. O. |
The implications of regional and seasonal variations in unemployment in Ghana
1977 |
Ewusi, Kodwo |
Rural-urban linkages in development planning in Ghana : a Central Region example
1977 |
Tetteh-Addo, S. |
Crime trends in Ghana
1977 |
Nortey, D. N. A. |
Administration and development in Northern Ghana 1898-1931
1977 |
Bening, R. B. |
Ghana before the coming of Europeans
1977 |
Adu Boahen, A. |
The witchcraft scene in Ghana : a sociological comment
1977 |
Assimeng, Max |
Selection of trainee managerial staff
1976 |
Bulley, H. C. A. |
Demographic change in a Ghanaian suburb
1976 |
Peil, Margaret |