Aus der Suche nach der versteckten Arbeitslosigkeit
1987 |
Butschek, Felix |
Can inefficient public production promote welfare?
1985 |
Peters, Wolfgang |
A test of restrictions in a dynamic singular demand system : an application to the import of intermediate goods in West Germany
1985 |
Nakamura, Shinichiro |
On Walras' model of general economic equilibrium
1985 |
Daal, Johannes van |
[Rezension von: Makroökonomik nach Keynes : Berlin, Springer-Verl., 1984]
1985 |
Glastetter, Werner |
[Rezension von: Buhr, W., Stadtentwicklungsmodelle]
1985 |
Besserer, Klaus |
[Rezension von: Müller, H. H., Fiscal policies in a general equilibrium model with persistent unemployment]
1985 |
Laan, Gerard van der |
External versus internal public debt : a theoretical analysis of the long-run burden
1985 |
Carlberg, Michael |
The welfare economics of dominant-firm acquisitions
1985 |
McElroy, F. William |
On the stability of the steady state when population is decreasing
1985 |
Ritschl, Albrecht |
On a family of utility functions as a basis of separable demand
1985 |
Wolff, Reiner |
Marx-Goodwin growth cycles in a two-sector economy
1985 |
Sato, Yoshikazu |
[Besprechung von:] Debreu, G.: Mathematical economics. Twenty papers of Gérard Debreu. Cambridge 1983. : = Econometric Society Monographs in Pure Theory. No 4
1985 |
Dierker, E. |
Competitive finite value prices : a complete characterization
1985 |
Stephan, Gunter |
On the controllability of continuous-time macroeconomic models
1985 |
Wohltmann, Hans-Werner |
On a family of utility functions as a basis of separable demand
1985 |
Wolff, Reiner |
[Besprechung von:] Meier, K.: Spitzenlasttarifierung, Ökonomische Effizienz und Erhaltung der Eingenwirtschaftlichkeit. Eine angewandte Studie der elektrizitätswirtschaftlichen Preisbildung. Bern, Stuttgart 1983. : = Berner Beiträge zur Nationalökonomie. Bd 47
1985 |
Finsinger, J. |
A sensitivity analysis in a nonlinear Leontief model
1985 |
Fujimoto, Takao |
Development policies in LDC's with several ethnic groups : a theoretical analysis
1985 |
Khan, M. Ali |
Under- and overemployment in optimal layoff contracts
1985 |
Brown, Murray |