International trade and factor mobility
1981 |
Mundell, Robert A. |
The non-equivalence of tariffs and quotas under retaliation
1981 |
Rodriguez, Carlos Alfredo |
Capital accumulation in the open two-sector economy
1981 |
Smith, M. Alasdair M. |
Factor intensities, technological progress and the terms of trade
1981 |
Findlay, Ronald |
Investment, the two-sector model, and trade in debt and capital goods
1981 |
Fischer, Stanley |
An elementary proposition concerning the formation of customs unions
1981 |
Kemp, Murray |
Optimal commercial policy for a minimum-wage economy
1981 |
Brecher, Richard A. |
The generalized theory of distorsions and welfare
1981 |
Bhagwati, Jagdish N. |
Immiserizing growth : a geometrical note
1981 |
Bhagwati, Jagdish N. |
Optimal trade policy and compensation under endogenous uncertainty : the phenomenon of market disruption
1981 |
Bhagwati, Jagdish N. |
Increasing returns, monopolistic competition, and international trade
1981 |
Krugman, Paul R. |
Shadow prices for project selection in the presence of distortions : effective rates of protection and domestic resource costs
1981 |
Srinivasan, T. N. |
Factor proportions and comparative advantage in the long run
1981 |
Findlay, Ronald |
Tariffs, foreign capital and immiserizing growth
1981 |
Brecher, Richard A. |
The two-sector model in terms of its dual : a geometric exposition
1981 |
Mussa, Michael |
Foreign exchange constraints in economic development and efficient aid allocation
1981 |
McKinnon, Ronald I. |
Three alternative concepts of foreign exchange difficulties in centrally planned economies
1981 |
Desai, Padma |
National welfare in an open economy in the presence of foreign-owned factors of production
1981 |
Bhagwati, Jagdish N. |
Optimal trade intervention in the presence of domestic distortions
1981 |
Johnson, Harry G. |
The possibility of income losses from increased efficiency or factor accumulation in the presence of tarrifs
1981 |
Johnson, Harry G. |