Special issue: Effects of the introduction of the statutory minimum wage in Germany |
2020 |
volume 240, issue 2-3 (2020) |
Special issue: 20 years of european monetary union |
2019 |
volume 239, issue 5-6 |
Special issue: Industrial relations : worker codetermination and collective wage bargaining |
2019 |
volume 239, issue 1 (2019) |
Special issue: Digitalisation and the labor market |
2019 |
volume 239, issue 3 (2019) |
Special issue: empirical health economics |
2018 |
volume 238, issue 5 (2018) |
Special issue: Big data |
2018 |
volume 238, issue 3/4 (2018) |
Special issue: econometric studies with integrated micro-data from German official statistics |
2018 |
volume 238, issue 2 (2018) |
Special issue: Fiscal equalization in Europe |
2017 |
volume 237, issue 3 (2017) |
Special issue: 25 years of German reunification |
2016 |
Volume 236, Issue 2, 2016 |
Themenheft: Corruption at the Grassroots-level : between temptation, norms, and culture |
2015 |
235.2015,2 |
Determinants and economic consequences of youth unemployment at the beginning of the 21st century |
2015 |
235,4/5 : Themenheft |
Frontiers in evolutionary economics |
2014 |
234.2014, 2/3 |
The great recession and its aftermath : evidence from Micro-Data |
2014 |
234.2014, 6 |
150 years "Journal of economics and statistics" : [1863 - 2013] |
2013 |
233,3 : Themenheft |
Economics of risky behavior and sensation seeking |
2012 |
232,6 : Themenheft |
Sports economics : present and future impact on general economics |
2012 |
232.2012,3 |
Sports economics : present and future impact on general economics |
2012 |
232,3 : Themenheft |
Economic forecasts |
2011 |
231,1 : Themenheft |
Methodological artefacts, data manipulation and fraud in economics and social science |
2011 |
231,5/6 : Themenheft |
Empirical studies with new German firm level data from official statistics |
2011 |
231,3 : Themenheft |