Western investment in Eastern Europe : the Yugoslav example
1974 |
Nichols, Patrick J. |
The political hazards of economic reform
1974 |
Burks, R. V. |
Policy cycles in socialist economies : examples from Czechoslovak agriculture
1974 |
Brainard, Lawrence J. |
Agricultural output and productivity in Eastern Europe and some comparisons with the U. S. S. R. and U. S. A.
1974 |
Lazarcik, Gregor |
Survey of economic policy issues in Eastern Europe : Technology, trade, and the consumer
1974 |
Crawford, J. T. |
Economic growth and resource allocation in Eastern Europe
1974 |
Alton, Thad P. |
Legislative, institutional, and negotiating aspects of United States-East European trade and economic relations
1974 |
Pounds, Bonnie M. |
Petroleum supply problems in Eastern Europe
1974 |
Lee, J. Richard |
Soviet economic policy in Eastern Europe
1974 |
Marer, Paul |
Variations in management of the industrial enterprise in socialist Eastern Europe
1974 |
Granick, David |
Commercial relations between the United States and Eastern Europe : options and prospects
1974 |
Marer, Paul |
Population and labor force in Eastern Europe : 1950 to 1996
1974 |
Myers, Paul F. |
Balance sheet on economic reforms
1974 |
Gamarnikow, Michael |
The structure of Comecon trade and the prospects for East-West exchanges
1974 |
Montias, J. M. |
East European chemical production and trade
1974 |
Lent, Harold |
Education and economic growth : the postwar experience in Hungary and Poland
1974 |
Searing, Marjory E. |
A quantitative assessment of the U.S. constraints on trade with Eastern Europe and the U.S.S.R.
1974 |
Elias, Andrew |
Military expenditures in Eastern Europe : some alternative estimates
1974 |
Alton, Thad P. |
East European integration : Comecon
1974 |
Fallenbuchl, Zbigniew M. |
Eastern Europeʹs trade and payments with the industrial West
1974 |
Snell, Edwin M. |