Tungusen und Ljao
1978 |
Menges, Karl |
Social classes and the State : an essay in correlation
1978 |
Murdock, George Peter |
China's decision for war : the Lukouchiao Incident
1978 |
Tong, T. K. |
Lu Hsün and Chaadaev : a comparative study in Westernization
1978 |
Treadgold, Donald W. |
Sinomongolische Späne
1978 |
Haenisch, Erich |
Sobre el modo asiático de producción y la teoría de la sociedad oriental
1978 |
Palerm, Angel |
Marx and Lenin on Oriental despotism
1978 |
Nikolaevsky, Boris I. |
Expressions of gratitude in Mongolian
1978 |
Poppe, Nikolaus |
Initiation of a research trend : Wittfogel's irrigation hypothesis
1978 |
Steward, Julian H. |
Lewis H. Morgan in the light of modern anthropological theory
1978 |
Constas, Helen |
Die Klosterbrüder des Marxismus und die Sowjetgesellschaft : ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Rätekommunismus
1978 |
Kool, Frits |
Die Belagerung von Hsiang-Yang : eine Episode aus dem Krieg zwischen Sung und Chin 1206-1207
1978 |
Franke, Herbert |
Systems of history and public policy goals
1978 |
Niemeyer, Gerhart |
The Soviet stir : economic crisis and response
1978 |
Nutter, G. Warren |
Francis Bacon and the Marxists : faith in the glorious future of mankind
1978 |
Kristof, Ladis K. D. |
Water laws in hydraulic civilizations
1978 |
Caponera, Dante A. |
El concepto de etnia y su aplicación en etnologia
1978 |
Esteva-Fabregat, Claudio |
On religion and society in Pakistan
1978 |
Lichtenstadter, Ilse |
The political background of land reform in Mainland China
1978 |
Taylor, George E. |
The doctrinal conflict between Moscow and Peking
1978 |
Michael, Franz |