Economic crisis and post-rentier democratization in the Arab world : the case of Jordan
1992 |
Brynen, Rex |
Equal freedom and unequal property : a critique of Nozick's libertarian case
1992 |
Nock, Christopher J. |
The state, organized interests and Canadian agricultural trade policy : the impact of institutions
1992 |
Skogstad, Grace Darlene |
Like-minded nations and contrasting diplomatic styles : Australian and Canadian approaches to agricultural trade
1992 |
Cooper, Andrew Fenton |
Why property rights were excluded from the Canadian charter of rights and freedoms
1991 |
Alvaro, Alexander |
Monetary policy, accountability and legitimacy : a review of the issues in Canada
1991 |
Coleman, William D. |
Mixed motives revisited : Canada's interest in development assistance
1988 |
Nossal, Kim R. |
Inflation, unemployment and Canadian federal voting behaviour
1988 |
Archer, Keith A. |
Le développement pétrolier au Mexique : une stratégie d'organisation du rapport de la population à l'espace
1988 |
Corten, André |
CCF-NDP popularity and the economy
1988 |
Erickson, Lynda |
La loi et les nombres : le programme énergétique national et la canadianisation de l'industrie pétrolière
1987 |
Niosi, Jorge E. |
L' état canadien et le capitalisme mondial : stratégies d'insertion
1987 |
Houle, François |
Politique commerciale et contrôle de l'investissement étranger : l'expérience canadienne
1987 |
Dalpé, Robert |
Core redevelopment, neighbourhood revitalization and municipal government motivation : 20 years of urban renewal in Quebec City
1987 |
Filion, Pierre |
Regionalization and economic crisis in Belgium : the variable origins of centrifugal and centripetal forces
1986 |
Covell, Maureen |
La dynamique de l'aide financière directe du gouvernement fédéral à l'industrie manufacturière au Canada
1986 |
Blais, André |
The two energy crises and Canadian oil and gas interest groups : a re-examination of Berry's propositions
1986 |
Toner, Glen B. |
Relative autonomy revisited : the origins of Canadian unemployment insurance
1986 |
Pal, Leslie Alexander |
The processes of reorganizing local government in Canada
1986 |
Higgins, Donald |
Parliamentary influence and the diffusion of power
1985 |
Pross, A. Paul |