Modelling energy demand for a fast growing economy
1981 |
Samouilidis, J. E. |
Energy and economic growth : a conceptual framework
1981 |
Sweeney, J. L. |
An open dynamic linear activity analysis model of production
1981 |
Duesing, Erick C. |
Understanding energy
1981 |
Deam, R. J. |
Integration of optimization and simulation models
1981 |
Egberts, G. |
Regional network based modelling as a tool in energy planning : an revolutionary expose
1981 |
Debanné, Joseph G. |
About the use of an energy optimization model
1981 |
Finon, D. |
Simulation techniques in energy analysis
1981 |
Schmitz, K. |
Applications of multiple objective linear programming to energy modelling
1981 |
Duesing, Erick C. |
Large scale integration of wind power in power systems
1981 |
Trac̜a, A. |
Power systems planning under uncertainty in load growth and resource availability
1981 |
Sanghvi, Arun P. |
The Energy Modeling Forum : past, present and future
1981 |
Sweeney, J. L. |
A dynamic optimization model for energy policy analysis
1981 |
Kavrakoǧlu, I. |
Long range pricing of crude oil
1981 |
Deam, R. J. |
Models in the French energy planning process
1981 |
Finon, D. |
A comprehensive approach to forecasting long term regional electricity demand
1981 |
Caldwell, S. |
Choice of modelling technique : an example of a simulation model for world oil supply and demand
1981 |
Ervik, Leif K. |
The Norwegian electro-industry : a study of the economic impacts of energy use
1981 |
Ervik, L. K. |
MACRO : An aggregate macroeconomic model for the IIASA set of energy models
1981 |
Rogner, H. H. |
Global energy modelling and implementation for planning
1981 |
Basile, P. |