Does change of occupation lead to higher earnings?
2011 |
Liberda, Barbara |
Bootstrap method with calibration for standard error estimators of income poverty measures
2011 |
Zięba-Pietrzak, Agnieszka |
The mothers' index as an indicator of demographic security
2011 |
Larchenko, Anna |
The dynamic model of birth and death of enterprises
2011 |
Gurgul, Henryk |
On some robust estimators for Polish business survey
2010 |
Dehnel, Grażyna |
The analysis of mortality changes in selected European countries in the period 1960 - 2006
2010 |
Denkowska, Sabina |
The economic aspects of contradiction between generations in Poland
2010 |
Kudrycka, Izabella |
Development of standard error estimation methods in complex household sample surveys in Poland
2010 |
Kordos, Jan |
Causality analysis between public expenditure and economic growth of Polish economy in last decade
2010 |
Gurgul, Henryk |
A typology of Polish farms using probabilistic d-clustering
2010 |
Młodak, Andrzej |
Multidimensional approach to poverty measurement : fuzzy measures of the incidence and the depth of poverty
2010 |
Panek, Tomasz |
The relationship between official statistics and the media in Poland - the role of information service and the confrontation and cooperation zones
2009 |
Łagodzin´ski, Wiesław W. |
The measures of adaptability in Poland's system of official statistics under crisis
2009 |
Cierpiał-Wolan, Marek |
Analysis of temporary aspects of poverty in Poland between 1997 - 2000 by Hazard models
2009 |
Nehrebecka, Natalia |
The gravity model - the study of Poland's trade integration with the European Union: trade creation and trade diversion effect
2007 |
Majewska, Maria |
Spatial division of labour: an empirical evidence from Poland
2007 |
Gurgul, Henryk |
Estimation of unpaid work in Polish households
2007 |
Błaszczak-Przybycińska, Ilona |
Changes of employment structure in Poland and EU countries
2007 |
Malina, Anna |
Development of the Polish labour force survey
2006 |
Popiński, Waldemar |
Labour flows into and out of Polish agriculture: a micro-level approach
2006 |
Ingham, Hilary |