Birth rates and the interwar business/ Virginia L. Galbraith and Dorothy S. Thomas
1956 |
Galbraith, Virginia L. |
Population pressure and economic development in Indonesia
1956 |
Kroef, Justus M. van der |
Social class variations in mortality
1956 |
Logan, W. P. D. |
The population of the world in the year 2000
1956 |
Notestein, Frank W. |
Demographic factors in labor force growth
1956 |
Wolfbein, S. L. |
Recent international differences and trends in expectation of life
1956 |
Stolnitz, George J. |
Population growth in Southeast Asia
1956 |
Taeuber, Irene B. |
The history of population and settlement in Eurasia
1956 |
Usher, Abbott Payson |
The life cycle of the family
1956 |
Glick, Paul C. |
Time-specific life tables contrasted with observed survivorship
1956 |
Merrell, Margaret |
Literacy and social change in underdeveloped countries
1956 |
Golden, Hilda Hertz |
Population and wealth in Egypt
1956 |
Issawi, Charles |
Population pressure and other factors affecting net rural-urban migration
1956 |
Hamilton, C. Horace |
Some demographic aspects of aging
1956 |
Notestein, Frank W. |
Fertility trends and differentials in the United States
1956 |
Kiser, Clyde Vernon |
Statistical perspective on marriage and divorce
1956 |
Davis, Kingsley |
The world distribution of urbanization
1956 |
Davis, Kingsley |
Some aspects of population history
1956 |
Taylor, Kenneth Wiffin |
Redistribution of population: 1940 to 1950
1956 |
Shryock jr., Henry S. |
The impact of war on population and vital phenomena
1956 |
Hauser, Philip M. |