Special issue: regional integration in the EU and ASEAN in the period of declining multilateralism |
2020 |
volume 17, number 3, (July 2020) |
Special issue: recent challenges of the European integration |
2019 |
volume 16, number 3, (July 2019) |
Special issue: institutional changes and economic dynamics of international capital markets in the context of Brexit |
2019 |
volume 16, number 1, (March 2019) |
Special issue: economic Policy and Market Imperfections in an Unstable Economic and Financial Environment in Europe and the Middle East |
2018 |
volume 15, number 4, (Oktober 2018) |
Special issue: asset markets, financial intermediaries and growth in emerging markets and beyond |
2018 |
volume 15, number 2, (April 2018) |
Vol. 14 International economics and economic policy |
2017 |
14.2017 |
Special issue: resource efficiency, circular economy and sustainability dynamics in China and OECD Countries |
2017 |
volume 14, number 1, (Juli 2017) |
Special issue: exports, growth and financial stability in the euro area and beyond |
2016 |
volume 13, number 6 (July 2016) |
Volume 13. 2016 International economics and economic policy |
2016 |
13.2016 |
Special issue: overcoming the Euro crisis : medium and long term economic perspectives |
2016 |
13.2016,1 |
Special issue: Macroeconomic and financial adjustment in globalised economies : the state-of-play |
2015 |
12.2015,1 |
Special issue: Market interventions in times of financial crisis |
2015 |
12.2015,3 |
Special issue: Regulatory issues in telecommunications and ICT-based dynamics in open economies |
2014 |
11.2014,1/2 |
Special issue: Economic developments in a globalized world |
2013 |
10.2013,3 |
Special issue: The recent economic crisis and its Europe wide consequences |
2012 |
9.2012,3/4 |
Special issue: Challenges for economic policy |
2011 |
8.2011,4 |
Special issue: International economics and natural resources |
2011 |
8.2011,2 |
Special issue on monetary integration |
2009 |
6.2009,2 |
Special issue on policy issues in the Eurozone : cyclic convergence and fiscal sustainability |
2008 |
5.2008,1/2 |
Special issue on digital economy and regulatory issues |
2007 |
4.2007,2 |