Alternative trade strategies and employment
1983 |
Krueger, Anne O. |
Protection, employment and welfare in a ʺstagflatingʺ economy
1983 |
Waelbroeck, Jean |
Allocative and redistributive aspects of financing higher education with special regard to Italy
1983 |
Stefani, Giorgio |
Income distribution and labour factor quality : models and applications at a regional level
1983 |
Antonelli, Gilberto |
Changes in trade and employment in the major industrialized countries, 1970-76
1983 |
Deardorff, Alan V. |
Women and the japanese economic performance
1983 |
Bowman, Mary Jean |
The impact of the voluntar y non-profit sector on development and employment
1983 |
Badelt, Christoph |
Illegal aliens in the United States labour market
1983 |
Chiswick, Barry R. |
Labour imports/exports for economic development : the Middle East experience
1983 |
Ecevit, Zafer H. |
A model of politics, tariffs and rent-seeking in general equilibrium
1983 |
Magee, Stephen P. |
Measuring labour slack
1983 |
Maddison, Angus |
Inter-developing-country trade and employment
1983 |
Hughes, Helen |
Distribution of benefits from regional trade liberalisation among country partners in the presence of transnational corporations
1983 |
Tironi, Ernesto |
The impact of female life-cycle time-allocation decisions on income distribution among families
1983 |
Lehrer, Evelyn |
Notes on the X-efficiency approach to inflation, productivity and unemployment
1983 |
Leibenstein, Harvey |
The higher education and employment markets in France
1983 |
Mingat, Alain |
Planning manpower education and economic growth
1983 |
Quadrio-Curzio, Alberto |
Transnational corporations : Choice of techniques and employment in developing countries
1983 |
Balasubramanyam, V. N. |
The implications of demographic change for economic growth
1983 |
Bingham, T. R. G. |
Economic growth and interindustry labour mobility in Japan
1983 |
Kanamori, Hisao |