Introduction: peacebuilding in an era of pragmatism
2018 |
Moe, Louise Wiuff |
On re-examining western attitudes to Russia
2014 |
Wedgwood Benn, David |
The Austrian hunger crisis and the genesis of international organization after the First World War
2014 |
Clavin, Patrica |
Dumb donkeys or cunning foxes? Learning in the British and German armies during the Great War
2014 |
Foley, Robert T. |
Against a ‘world of enemies’: the impact of the First World War on the development of Hitler's ideology
2014 |
Simms, Brendan |
The angel of history
2014 |
Danchev, Alex |
‘A music of grief’: classical music and the First World War
2014 |
Kennedy, Kate |
‘Unitedly we have fought’: imperial loyalty and the Australian war effort
2014 |
Beaumont, Joan |
Learning from the past : the relevance of international history
2014 |
Stevenson, David |
The ‘rhinofication’ of South African security
2014 |
Humphreys, Jasper |
Human conflict and ecosystem services : finding the environmental price of warfare
2014 |
Francis, Robert A. |
The UN and the African Union in Mali and beyond : a shotgun wedding?
2014 |
Weiss, Thomas G. |
Capitalism and the emergent world order
2014 |
Buzan, Barry |
Origins of the norm against chemical weapons
2014 |
Jefferson, Catherine |
Territoriality, self-determination and Crimea after Badinter
2014 |
Navari, Cornelia |
The roots to peace in the Democratic Republic of Congo : conservation as a platform for green development
2014 |
Milburn, Richard |
Repairing NATO's motors
2014 |
Weber, Mark |
The "rhinofication" of South African security
2014 |
Humphreys, Jasper |
Strategic taboos : chemical weapons and US foreign policy
2014 |
Bentley, Michelle |
The inconsequential gains and lasting insecurities of India's nuclear weaponization
2014 |
Thakur, Ramesh |