WTO membership for China: to be and not to be - is that the answer?
2003 |
Ostry, Sylvia |
China's accession to the WTO: improving market access and Australia's role and interests
2003 |
Thomson, Graeme |
China's interest in the World Trade Organization's deregulation of international textiles trade
2003 |
Dickson, Ian |
China and the Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade
2003 |
Araki, Ichiro |
Interpreting China's Accession Protocol: a case study in anti-dumping
2003 |
Lennard, Michael |
WTO dispute settlement and sub-national entities in China
2003 |
Kewalram, Ravi P. |
The impact of China's accession on the WTO
2003 |
Jackson, John H. |
China and the "constitutionalization" of international trade law
2003 |
Cass, Deborah Z. |
Trade policy reform and China's WTO accession
2003 |
Ianchovichina, Elena |
Enforcement of WTO agreements in China: illusion or reality?
2003 |
Kong, Qingjiang |
WTO membership and professional services regulation in China
2003 |
Arup, Christopher |
China's WTO accession - the final countdown
2003 |
Gertler, Jeffrey L. |
The state of the Chinese economy - structural changes, impacts and implications
2003 |
Song, Ligang |
China's WTO entry in labour surplus and Marxist terms
2003 |
Bhala, Raj |
China: trade, law and human rights
2003 |
Tay, Alice E. S. |
The impact of China's WTO accession upon regulation of the distribution and logistics industries in China
2003 |
Yeaman, Dene |
Segregation and convergence: the Chinese dilemma for financial services sectors
2003 |
Wu, Richard |
Adopting a competition law in China
2003 |
Williams, Mark |
Chinese trademark law and the TRIPs Agreement - Confucius meets the WTO
2003 |
Gregory, Angela |
TRIPs goes east: China's interests and international trade in intellectual property
2003 |
Taubman, Antony S. |