Political-development doctrines in the American foreign aid program
1969 |
Packenham, Robert A. |
The soldier and international relations
1969 |
Janowitz, Morris |
Researchers, scholars and policy makers : the politics of large scale research
1969 |
Rossi, Peter Henry |
The life and death of Project Camelot
1969 |
Horowitz, Irving Louis |
The social sciences in the foreign policy subsystem of Congress
1969 |
Forest, Paul de |
The role of public opinion in international relations
1969 |
Free, Lloyd A. |
The structure of policy
1969 |
Price, Don K. |
The relation of ideological intelligence to public policy
1969 |
Lasswell, Harold Dwight |
Some principles regarding the utilization of social science research within the military
1969 |
Croker, George W. |
The utilization of social scientists in the Overseas Branch of the Office of War Information
1969 |
Doob, Leonard W. |
Values and organisation in a university social research group
1969 |
Bennis, Warren G. |
The problem of nacional character : a methodological analysis
1969 |
Farber, Maurice L. |
The psychologist in international affairs
1969 |
Osgood, Charles Egerton |
Social science and social engineering
1969 |
Hauser, Philip M. |
Foreign policy making and administrative politics
1969 |
Hammond, Paul Y. |
Conversion barriers in using the social sciences
1969 |
Guetzkow, Harold |
Social science and social policy
1969 |
Shils, Edward A. |
Sociology and theory of knowledge
1969 |
Znaniecki, Florian |
Inquiry and policy : the relation of knowledge to action
1969 |
Millikan, Max F. |
The peace research game
1969 |
Oppenheimer, Martin |