Working with Merton
1975 |
Lazarsfeld, Paul F. |
The emergence of a scientific specialty : the self-exemplifying case of the sociology of science
1975 |
Cole, Jonathan R. |
Legitimate and illegitimate use of power
1975 |
Coleman, James S. |
The complexity of roles as a seedbed of individual autonomy
1975 |
Coser, Rose Laub |
The planning of communities : anticipations and hindsights
1975 |
Keller, Suzanne |
Toward a new view of the sociology of knowledge
1975 |
Barber, Bernard |
Merton's uses of the European sociological tradition
1975 |
Coser, Lewis A. |
The present status of "structural-functional" theory in sociology
1975 |
Parsons, Talcott |
Intellectual types and political roles
1975 |
Lipset, Seymour Martin |
Social structure and mass communications behavior : exploring patterns through constructional analysis
1975 |
Wright, Charles R. |
Merton and the contemporary mind : An affectionate dialogue
1975 |
Coser, Lewis A. |
The myth of the renaissance
1975 |
Nisbet, Robert |
Relative deprivation
1975 |
Williams jr., Robin M. |
Ironic perspective and sociological thought
1975 |
Schneider, Louis |
On formalizing theory
1975 |
Selvin, Hanan C. |
Sociology and the everday life
1975 |
Gouldner, Alvin W. |
The growth of scientific knowledge : theories of deviance as a case study
1975 |
Cole, Stephen |
Theory and research : the case of studies in medical education
1975 |
Kendall, Patricia |
Reference individuals and reference idols
1975 |
Hyman, Herbert H. |
Merton's theory of social structure
1975 |
Stinchcombe, Arthur L. |