Making marketing research more effective by using the administrative process
1967 |
Boyd jr., Harper W. |
Programming changes in marketing in planned economic development
1967 |
Collins, N. R. |
Economics of language
1967 |
Marschak, Jacob |
Business responsibility in government relationships : the interchange of view
1967 |
McElroy, Neil H. |
The social context of economic choice in a small society
1967 |
Nash, Manning |
Social classes and spending behavior
1967 |
Martineau, Pierre |
Towards the saturation society?
1967 |
Herz, Ulrich |
Work-flow-frictions, interfunctional rivalry, and professionalism : a case study of purchasing agents
1967 |
Strauss, George |
Changing channels in the physical distribution of finished goods
1967 |
Bowersox, Donald J. |
Unit channel flows : finance ; consumer credit in the American economy, vigor of youth or middle age spread?
1967 |
The marketing organization, channels, and firm size
1967 |
Weigand, Robert E. |
The motivational basis of organizational behavior
1967 |
Katz, Daniel |
Long-range planning : challenge to management science
1967 |
Drucker, Peter F. |
Contrasts in spending by urban families : P. 1 ; trends since 1950
1967 |
Murphy, Kathryn R. |
Toward a formal theory of transactions and transvections
1967 |
Alderson, Wroe |
The emergence of marketing systems
1967 |
Dixon, Donald F. |
Coordination and control of markrting activities : a comparison of management theory Y with the marketing concept
1967 |
Douglas, John |
Postponement, speculation, and the structure of distribution channels
1967 |
Bucklin, Louis P. |
General systems theory : the skeleton of science
1967 |
Boulding, Kenneth E. |
Productivity-target of conceptual tool?
1967 |
Easterfield, T. E. |