Nuwe stedelike ontwikkeling vir die Suid-Sotho
1979 |
Spies, M. P. D. |
Die posisie van die swartman in blanke stadsgebiede
1978 |
As, Ben S. van |
Erkenning van die Bantoe as werker met besondere behoeftes indie openbare administrasie
1978 |
Jacobs, P. P. |
A study of employee attitudes towards a consultative committee in their industry
1978 |
Toit, M. K. du |
Education, culture and the school-going African child : a panel discussion
1977 |
The population explosion and abortion
1977 |
Eden, I. J. van |
Desentralisasie versus sentralisasie
1977 |
Pisanie, J. A. du |
Burgerskap en burgerregte in blank Suid-Afrika
1976 |
Olivier, W. H. |
Labour migration and labour utilization policy
1975 |
Dussen, P. E. van der |
Die Bantoe in metropolitaanse gebiede
1975 |
Eeden, I. J. van |
Plans of the Ciskeian Government and the role of youth
1973 |
Mtoba, L. S. |
The Bantu peoples of South Africa and trade unionism
1973 |
Merwe, P. J. van der |
Die bevolking van Noord-Kaapland en aangrensende distrikte
1972 |
Jooste, C. J. |
Die rol van nie-blanke arbeid in Blanke Suid-Afrika
1971 |
Rensburg, P. F. S. J. |
Tendense van Bantoeverstedeliking in Suid-Afrika, 1960-1970
1971 |
Hattingh, P. S. |
Some thoughts on Bantu development
1970 |
Leistner, G. M. E. |
Blanke bevolkingsgroei : white population growth
1969 |
Viljoen, G. van N. |
Blanke bevolkingsgroei : - white population growth
1969 |
Jooste, C.J. |
Compulsory education for the Bantu of South Africa
1968 |
Mentz, J. C. N. |
Economic and social aspects of physical control over rural-urban population movements in South Africa and elsewhere
1968 |
Leistner, G. M. E. |