Oceanography and international ocean affairs
1972 |
Wooster, Warren S. |
New horizonts in ocean science and law
1972 |
Pardo, Arvid |
The Third World and the seabed
1972 |
Amerasinghe, Hamilton S. |
The social property of mankind
1972 |
Djordjević, Jovan |
An examination of the existing constabularies and inspectorates concerning themselves with the sea and the seabed
1972 |
Murray, Robin |
The lure of tidewater : the problem of the interface between land and sea
1972 |
Ginsburg, Norton |
The resources base : present and future
1972 |
Schaefer, Milner B. |
Fisheries : common property, open access, and the common heritage
1972 |
Christy jr., Francis T. |
International cooperation in science and technology
1972 |
King, Alexander |
Ecology, law and the marine revolution
1972 |
Ray, Carleton |
In quiet enjoyment
1972 |
Ritchie-Calder of Balmashannar |
Arms control and disarmament in the ocean
1972 |
Young, Elizabeth |
The political dimensions an ocean regime
1972 |
Pell, Claiborne |
Science as the social property of mankind
1972 |
Künzli, Arnold |
Military uses of the ocean floor
1972 |
Brown, Neville |
International aspects of the exploitation of the living resources of the sea
1972 |
Kasahara, Hiroshi |
Toward enhanced management of maritime technology
1972 |
Wenk jr., Edward |
The oceans, their production and pollution : the Baltic as a case study
1972 |
Lundholm, Bengt |
Deep-ocean mining : prospects and anticipated short-term benefits
1972 |
Laque, Frank L. |
No arms on the ocean floor
1972 |
Myrdal, Alva |