Two point priors and I-minimax estimating in families of uniform distributions
1988 |
Chen, Lanxiang |
Mean residual life ordering
1988 |
Alzaid, Abdulhamid A. |
Ökonometrische Modelle bei Zeitreihendaten versus multivariate Zeitreihenmodelle : e. Übersicht
1987 |
Wolters, Jürgen |
Sample sizes for strong two-sided distribution-free tolerance limits
1987 |
Chou, Youn-Min |
An adjusted likelihood-ratio algorithm for Behrens-Fisher problem
1987 |
Bozdogan, Hamparsum |
Sequential parameter structure, conditional inference, and likelihood drop
1987 |
Fraser, D. A. S. |
Trend and seasonal decomposition in discrte time
1987 |
Hebbel, Hartmut |
Asymptotic likelihood inference for nonhomogenous observations
1987 |
Fahrmeir, Ludwig |
On some improved ridge estimators
1987 |
Singh, Balvir |
Asymptotic inference in discrete response models
1986 |
Fahrmeir, Ludwig |
Asymptonic inference in discrete respone models
1986 |
Fahrmeier, Ludwig |
Structural inference for parameters of a power function distribution
1986 |
Ariyawansa, K. A. |
Übergangsratenmodelle bei intervalldatierten Ereignisser
1986 |
Galler, Heinz P. |
A nonlinear congruential pseudo random number generator
1986 |
Eichenauer, Jürgen |
A multilateral index number system based on the factorial approach
1986 |
Prasada Rao, D. S. |
Relationships between economic and statistical price indices
1986 |
Fuchs-Seliger, Susanne |
Bounds to the distribution of the run length in general quality-control schemes
1986 |
Waldmann, Karl-Heinz |
Zur Auswirkung von Endlichkeitskorrekturen bei der Analyse einfacher Zufallsstichproben
1986 |
Kreienbrock, Lothar |
Shewhart-Karten mit und ohne Warngrenzen
1986 |
Collani, Elart von |
On ơ-coherence and a theorem of Heath and Sudderth
1986 |
Skala, Heinz J. |